Ubon Ratchathani severe floods
Ubon Ratchathani severe floods
Urgent Appeal: Help the helpers of animals left behind after record flooding

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Your gift will not only help neglected and abused dogs and cats of Asia, but it will also help all the animals who depend on Soi Dog for their survival.

Ubon Ratchathani severe floods

Please join Soi Dog’s Emergency Response Team and help animal angels care for the many strays & owned animals still displaced after severe flooding in Ubon Ratchathani, Thailand.

Now that record flooding in Ubon Ratchathani, Thailand, has receded, there are thousands of animals still displaced from their owners and strays struggling to survive.

Supporters like you graciously helped Soi Dog send 11 tonnes of food for dogs and cats in Ubon during the flood. That is used up now, as thousands of animals were fed for weeks.

Today we must ask for your help again. We need to send more food for Ubon’s homeless animals and the displaced ones yet to be reunited with their owners.

Throughout the province, animal lovers with little to no food or other resources are valiantly trying to care for animals who have no one else to look after them. One carer, Khun Aw, looks after 400 homeless dogs and 60 of her own. She has personally begged us for assistance.

Your generous gift of whatever you can afford will fund food for suffering animals as Ubon Ratchathani Province recovers from this 17-year flood event. Your kind help will also relieve the tremendous burden on the animal angels trying to care for them.

Thank you.