Help end the dog meat trade in Cambodia

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Soi Dog Foundation - Sign Petition

Take action now to stop millions of dogs from being horrifically slaughtered for human consumption in Cambodia.

Ask Cambodia’s government to change the laws, so dogs can no longer be sold and slaughtered for their meat.

Village dogs are sold to dog collectors who take them to be slaughtered in small restaurants and slaughter houses. They suffer from the torments of boredom, cruel confinement and fear.

The dogs are killed in horrific ways including drowning, clubbing or hanging.

Public pressure is building up to demand an end to this barbaric treatment. We are calling for the authorities to ban the slaughter and consumption of dogs.

Please help build on this momentum to end the cruelty and abuse of these poor dogs.

Add your name to the petition now.

You’ll help spare beautiful dogs from a lifetime of anguish, and an inhumane death.