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Gender: Female
Age: 4 years and 7 months
Colour: Black
Colour: Black
Weight: 18 kg

Sweet by name, sweet by nature

My personality: Friendly, gentle, sweet. 

My story: I was found in the middle of the road with injuries after being hit by a car. A kind person called Soi Dog Foundation for help and a rescue team collected me. I was so relieved to receive the care and treatment I needed and recovered well. I am more than ready to find a forever family and start life as a precious pet for the first time. 

My needs: I am overwhelmed by the shelter environment as I am sensitive to noise and chaos. I enjoy going for walks and am reluctant to go back to my enclosure. When I am in the off lead area I am playful, run around and explore. It would be a dream come true to be in a home of my own with my own family at last.