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Gender: Male
Age: 6 years and 10 months
Colour: Ginger

Hello dear friend. It's Serumo here, and I want to share my story with you. I’d been living on the streets for some time and thought I’d learnt how to fend for myself, when all of a sudden I couldn't walk or see anymore. Everything just went black. 

It turns out I’d been violently hit by a speeding vehicle and left for dead in the road, with blood coming out of my nostrils and mouth. My leg was also hurting, and I really wanted to scream. Thankfully, a kind animal lover found me and rushed me to Soi Dog where they did all they could to save my life. And look at me now! I have lost my leg yes, but hey, I am still alive and rocking it. 

Sadly, the vets here also diagnosed me with feline leukaemia virus (FeLV), a terrible disease that affects far too many stray cats and gradually weakens our immune system until we are no longer able to fight off infection or illness... But thanks to the top-notch care I receive here at the Soi Dog shelter, I have not experienced any of those dreadful symptoms yet. I am still a young chap, and I love eating... who doesn't?! 

As a cat with FeLV and only three legs, it is sadly unlikely that I will ever be adopted. While I keep hoping for a loving forever home, I will stay here at Soi Dog, enjoying every moment of my precious life. With all my health issues, I require ongoing medical care and lots of affection, so today I would like to ask you a simple question: will you please become my sponsor? It is only because of cat lovers like you that me and so many others like me, can get the ongoing care we need.

I promise I will send you updates and a special video at the end of the year to let you know about my progress and the difference you make to my life. Thank you for your unconditional love!

Sponsoring a dog or cat means that your donation will go towards Soi Dog's efforts helping the neglected and abused dogs and cats of Asia. Your gift of sponsorship is used to help your sponsored dog or cat and all the other animals Soi Dog cares for to provide shelter, food & medicine and veterinary care.