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Gender: Female
Age: 11 years and 1 month
Colour: Black and Tan
Weight: 16 kg

Hello! My name is Pattaya and I'm very pleased to meet you.  

Life hasn’t always been easy for me - quite the opposite, so I am very grateful to be in front of you here today. 

I don’t always find it easy to bark about my story, but I hope by sharing it with you, you’ll be able to see that despite the hardships we experience in life, we still have the chance to be happy. 

My story starts when I was a young dog. Like most street dogs living here in Thailand, I was just trying to mind my own business and survive. Life wasn’t the best, but it was my life, and I was free. And then one awful day, I was captured by some very unkind people for something called the dog meat trade. 

I have never been as frightened as I was during those days. The things I had to see and endure were something of a nightmare, and I honestly believed that my last days had come. I was deeply saddened to think that I hadn’t even had the chance to experience unconditional love yet. 

Thankfully, this is not where my story ends – and I am so pleased to say that good was able to overcome evil.  

The next few years of my life were spent at a dog shelter in the north of Thailand. I know that the people there wanted to help us, but it was not the happiest of places. There were so many of us dogs, and simply not enough space or food.  

It was when I arrived at Soi Dog that my life really changed. On my first day, I was given a big hug and told that I was a brave, and beautiful girl. I was home. That was the first time I had such kind words spoken to me, and my first time to have a cuddle too. Every day since has been filled with love, food and care and I was able to find some peace and happiness.  

I am so grateful for the life I have been given here at Soi Dog, and that there were so many people who believed in me and gave me a chance. It’s people like you who make this life possible. Not only for me, but for so many others who have their own stories to share.  

It would be lovely if you decided to become my sponsor today. After all I have been through, I really do value the special people in my life, and I hope you will become one of them.  

Sponsoring a dog or cat means that your donation will go towards Soi Dog's efforts helping the neglected and abused dogs and cats of Asia. Your gift of sponsorship is used to help your sponsored dog or cat and all the other animals Soi Dog cares for to provide shelter, food & medicine and veterinary care.