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Gender: Female
Age: 4 years and 9 months
Colour: White & Sandy

Hello there, Jewel here! Just as my name, I am a real gem. I arrived at the Soi Dog shelter just a few months ago after a rough start in life. I am only 2 years old, but trust me, I have endured more than enough already!

The kind people who used to feed me say I had been hit by a car a long time ago and they brought me to a local clinic to have the leg amputated… I was then put back on the streets before I could properly recover and BAM! I was bitten by another stray dog. Such bad luck… This time it was my tail that was injured and that’s why it still looks funny now.

Despite it all, I am a lovely girl and I absolutely love people. I am not a fan of other dogs because I was traumatised by that one accident I believe… but overall you can say I act and behave like a dog on four paws! Thanks to the wonderful care of the people here at Soi Dog, I am now in a safe haven and I am so thankful for that. I live in the Special Care Unit because I am special indeed. I have three legs and I am a bit shy around other dogs.

Soi Dog is for now the best place I could wish to live at, while I wait for the perfect forever home. I know that because of my special needs, it might take a while before I find the right forever home; but if you do know of someone who might like a friend like me, please tell them to contact! For now, you can become my kind sponsor to make sure I can keep receiving the best care possible and live the spoilt life I deserve – because you know I am a Jewel after all… Please become my sponsor today, I really need you. I promise to send updates throughout the year and a very special howliday video made just for you!

Sponsoring a dog or cat means that your donation will go towards Soi Dog's efforts helping the neglected and abused dogs and cats of Asia. Your gift of sponsorship is used to help your sponsored dog or cat and all the other animals Soi Dog cares for to provide shelter, food & medicine and veterinary care.