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Gender: Male
Age: 10 years and 11 months
Colour: Brown
Colour: Brown
Weight: 21 kg

Hello there, my name is Justice and it’s a pleasure to meet you today. 

Quite some time ago now, I arrived at the Soi Dog shelter after the Co-founder of Soi Dog, John Dalley received a phone call to say that a puppy had been abandoned on a nearby bridge. Sadly, this was a common dumping ground for unwanted dogs and puppies like me back in the day.

Being such a young pup, I was so very frightened to be all alone. Especially as there were lots of big trucks and cars whizzing by. When John found me, I was cowering in fear against the bridge for some small form of protection.

Once I arrived at the shelter, it soon became clear that I was very malnourished and also quite poorly with severe anaemia. Fortunately, the kind people gave me medicine to make me all better, and since then – I have never had to be alone again.

Whilst I am a very good boy (I have the reviews to confirm), it’s not always easy to care for so many dogs. There’s food, shelter and enrichment. Not to mention the medical care. Sponsorship is a great way to support a dog like me. Sponsorship not only improves my quality of life, but can also increase my chances of finding a home. 

You'll also be gaining a furry friend. And who wouldn’t want to be friends with a loveable dog like me? 

Sponsoring a dog or cat means that your donation will go towards Soi Dog's efforts helping the neglected and abused dogs and cats of Asia. Your gift of sponsorship is used to help your sponsored dog or cat and all the other animals Soi Dog cares for to provide shelter, food & medicine and veterinary care.