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Gender: Female
Age: 10 years and 6 months
Colour: Tan

I arrived at the shelter practically skin-and-bones, I was so undernourished. I had distemper, which gave me a high fever and a runny nose. It also made my poor eyes ooze with pus.

I was very lethargic and could barely stand because of dysplasia in both my hips. I’d try, but it hurt so bad, I’d just fall back down again.

I wanted to eat, but would vomit or have diarrhoea whenever I’d try, so I was dehydrated. And I had a neurological condition called ataxia, which caused me to frequently lose my balance and fall, which hurt my hip problem even more.

Thanks to lovely people like you, I am a practically new dog today. The old, pitiful Madahva is just a sad memory, thank goodness. I now get all the medical treatment and other care I could ever need. But I do have ongoing health issues, which make it unlikely anyone would be willing to adopt me. Most likely, I will spend my remaining years being cared for and kept safe here at the Soi Dog shelter.

But sadly, I am far from the only deserving animal in their care, and providing for so many of us (up to a thousand at any given time) costs money. Will you please help by sponsoring me now? Thank you.  

When you join the Sponsor Club you will receive a sponsorship certificate and three updates throughout the year including a special video at the end of the year.

Sponsoring a dog or cat means that your donation will go towards Soi Dog's efforts helping the neglected and abused dogs and cats of Asia. Your gift of sponsorship is used to help your sponsored dog or cat and all the other animals Soi Dog cares for to provide shelter, food & medicine and veterinary care.